Children & Youth

As a church family it is a joy to have children and young people as part of our family and in our services. We want to take this privilege seriously and take our part in teaching and encouraging our children and young people in their faith. During our Sunday services we love to have children with us throughout the service and there is no problem if they make noise (in fact we expect they will!).

Our current practice in both our morning and evening services when we have families with children and young people with us is to set out tables if that proves helpful to the family. A sermon sheet is also provided to help the children.

Prior to the morning service children who are in pre-school or primary school meet for TRINITY KIDS at 9.45am to 10.25am for age appropriate Bible teaching and encouragement in the faith. New children are always welcome!

For those who attend secondary school or 6th Form College our YOUTH GROUP meets on a Saturday night (5.30pm- 8.00pm) once a month in the home of a church member.

Please note that all of those who work with children or young people are DBS checked.

Please get in touch if you want to discuss our work with children and young people in any way.